The Show of the Year 2019

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Wednesday 04 December
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM


Athenaeum Theatre

188 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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Goodbye 2019, we hardly knew ye! One minute, it was all heatwaves and holidays. The next minute, Simone Biles was doing triple-double backflips and Master Archie was high-fiving Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Yes, in 2019, the news once again outpaced our ability to keep up with it. But with our annual Show of the Year we'll relive the past 12 months in all their horror (Notre Dame!) and glory (Bluey!). 

What a year. Protests shook Hong Kong, the Amazon caught fire and children led a worldwide climate strike. Boris Johnson picked up the prime ministerial ball as it came loose from the back of the scrum, Scott Morrison baseball-capped his way back into government, and Trump impeachment talk turned to (some) action. 

We said goodbye to towering figures in literature and politics, including Toni Morrison, Bob Hawke, Les Murray and Mary Oliver. And we farewelled meowing figures of the internet. (R.I.P. Grumpy Cat.)

There were the mandatory Big Cultural Moments, too: someone (no spoilers) finally won the Game of Thrones, Fleabag stormed the Emmys, and a Sydney real estate video went viral. Beyoncé came home, Fyre Festival blew up (again) and Lil Nas X shot to stardom via TikTok. Ah yes, how could we forget: TikTok.

So as the decade turns, we’ll be remembering 2019 in style – with host Casey Bennetto and a glittering line-up of writers, comedians and musicians, including Paul Kelly, Louise Milligan, Nath Valvo and The Merindas.