Heavy Petting

Title: Heavy Petting
Author: Kat Capel

Shortlist: Unpublished Manuscript

Judges’ report

In Heavy Petting, four queer art-adjacent 30-somethings move to the town of Casino in northern New South Wales to avoid Melbourne’s strict Covid-19 lockdowns. Sharing a home during the pandemic, their different personalities and relationships to privacy, work, sex, art and money rub against one another in ways that are at times awkward, explosive, funny, elucidating and sweet. There was a refreshing lack of sensationalism to the way often taboo or politicised topics were explored – a real combination of frankness and empathy.

The judges found Heavy Petting beautifully written and were particularly impressed by the strength of its characterisation. Each housemate’s voice was distinct, and the different ways they saw and understood one another coalesced into incredibly nuanced and three-dimensional portraits. We felt like we knew them intimately.


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About the Author

Kat Capel

VPLA book photography by Sarah Walker

The 2025 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are proudly supported by the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund and Creative Victoria.