Every Stolen Moment
Title: Every Stolen Moment
Author: L.K. Williams
Shortlist: Unpublished Manuscript
Judges’ report
Every Stolen Moment opens with a gory discovery: the dead body of the Supreme Court of Victoria’s most conservative and polarising judge, the Honourable Harry Somerton. Chapters alternate between the days that led up to and followed the judge’s murder, moving between detectives, family, neighbours and local bikie gang members to uncover what happened and why.
Every Stolen Moment explores abuse within institutional and domestic spheres, as well as how each can exacerbate the other. It considers complicated experiences of grief—anticipated, long term and in immediacy. The judges found the family and neighbourhood at the centre of the novel particularly well drawn, and were genuinely moved by where the story goes.
About the Author
L.K. Williams
VPLA book photography by Sarah Walker
The 2025 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are proudly supported by the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund and Creative Victoria.