Title: Anomaly
Author: Emma Lord
Publisher: Affirm Press
Shortlist: Writing for Young Adults
Piper Manning survived the apocalypse. Barely.
She recovered from the virus that killed millions, but it left behind a new, uncontrollable power that's forced her to isolate herself from others – for their sake.
Then an injured boy shows up at her mountain hideaway. And what hurt Seth is out to get her, too.
Now she's on the run, risking everything for a shot at an actual future. But to get there, she'll have to trust a stranger, control her abilities … and face her ghosts.
Because the end of the world was just the beginning.
Judges’ report
Anomaly is a strikingly original debut that expertly pushes the genre boundaries of horror, fantasy and sci-fi. Through skillful employment of first and third person perspectives, disparate temporalities are seamlessly woven together. The moral dilemmas evoked through distinct characterisation add narrative complexity and momentum. Protagonist Piper Manning is at once sharp and considered, allaying discussions on mental health issues with a self-deprecating humour. Lord’s polished, dynamic expression is playfully irreverent, blunt and poetic. In a story where the end of the world offers new beginnings, Anomaly tends to grief with crafted nuance. An elevated, energetic novel of high distinction.
About the Author
Emma Lord
VPLA book photography by Sarah Walker
The 2025 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are proudly supported by the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund and Creative Victoria.