The inaugural Commissioner for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Young People shares her powerful story of fighting systemic injustice.
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts
Vanessa Turnbull-Roberts is a proud Bundjalung Widubul-Wiabul Woman who is an advocate for Human Rights, Indigenous people’s rights, and children and young people. As a survivor she speaks from a place of truth.
Vanessa is an advocate for Human Rights, storyteller, writer and has completed a Bachelor of Law and Social work at the University of New South Wales. Vanessa continues to empower First Nations voices using education, advocacy and her research into the child protection regime. Vanessa took out the Australian Human Rights medal which her acceptance speech saw global recognition and responses. Vanessa’s research is centred around decolonising child protection in the lives of First Nations people and is currently writing her first Book titled “Long Yarn Short: We are still here”- for the children that didn’t get to come home, those yet to come home and the ones who saw neither.