Jonathan Holloway
Jonathan Holloway
Jonathan Holloway is Artistic Director Designate for the Melbourne Festival, having just completed four successful years as Artistic Director of the Perth International Arts Festival.
Previously Jonathan spent six years as Artistic Director and Chief Executive of the Norfolk & Norwich Festival, and from 1997–2004 established and headed the National Theatre’s events department, where he was the founding artistic director of Watch This Space Festival and co-wrote/directed Robin Hood in the National’s Loft Theatre.
Prior to this, he was resident theatre director of the Wilde Theatre in Bracknell (directing under the name Jack Holloway) and in July 2003 was Creative Director of Elemental, a large-scale theatre, music and spectacle event at Chalon-sur-Saône festival in France.
He has been Chair of Total Theatre Network (the UK’s national development agency for physical and visual theatre), on the Executive of the British Arts Festivals Association and is a fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts.