Damon Johnston

Damon Johnston


Damon has been editor of the Herald Sun since July 2012.

Under Damon’s editorship, the Herald Sun was awarded the newspaper of the year prize at the 2013 News Awards, with the citation being: ‘the Newspaper of the Year Award was won by the Herald Sun, which in late 2012 set itself a goal of significantly improving its storytelling, community engagement and audience targets. With powerful news coverage, compelling sport content, deeply engaging community events and highly efficient marketing campaigns, the Herald Sun achieved its goals.’

Prior to being editor of the Herald Sun, Damon was editor of the Sunday Herald Sun, a position he had held since November 2008. Before this, he was deputy editor of the Herald Sun, having been chief of staff since he returned from New York in March 2003.

Damon was posted to New York in 2000 to work for News Ltd publications, covering the attacks of September 11 and other significant global stories.

Damon was chief political reporter for the Herald Sun and covered the fall of Jeff Kennett and the rise of Steve Bracks at the 1999 election.