Five Fab Bookish Videos


We share our perfect antidote for Mondayitis: five fab bookish videos to tickle your fancy - from a book trailer so bad that it just might be genius, to an exclusive video of Lloyd Jones reading from his latest book, the memoir A History of Silence. And of course, there’s the obligatory cat.

The Bad Book Trailer

Is there such a thing as ‘so bad it’s good’ when it comes to book trailers? Mr and Mrs Consumer, the choice is yours. Watch Stuart Ross’s book trailer and decide for yourself.

Book Fetishism and Dominoes: What Ebooks Can’t Do

This cute little hipster video - complete with cheery music - demonstrates one important thing you can’t do with ebooks. Because book dominoes are an important part of every reader’s repertoire.

Cats, Books and the Internet: Kitten Reads Book on Head

It’s not the internet without a cat joke … And so we present: a kitten reading a book from the vantage point of its owner’s head. If this video was any sweeter, you’d need a dentist.

Mister Pip, the movie

Hugh Laurie is starring in the film adaptation of Lloyd Jones’s much-loved story of Great Expectations in Bougainville, Mister Pip. You can watch the trailer now.

Lloyd Jones reads from his new memoir

Lloyd Jones was in town for the Melbourne Writers Festival recently - and he popped in to the Wheeler Centre to film a live reading from his new memoir, A History of Silence. The exclusive video is below.