What do literary ladies (and men?) love more than their books? Their cats. At least, that’s the stereotype. And it’s kind of backed up by the frequency with which LOLcats seem to pop up on literary sites.
Galley Cat has created a perfect internet storm by compiling a top five of the most popular literary cat videos.
They range from the reunion of two men who brought up a lion cub with that lion (all grown up), a year after they released him in the wild, to a little girl making up a story about kittens, to the accompaniment of a photographic picture book.
Here’s a couple for you to enjoy.
This home-made video about a pet lion attracted 30 million YouTube hits, and spurned the reprint of a 1972 book, A Lion Called Christian.
A little girl with a big imagination makes up her own story about kittens, as she leafs through a photographic book. An oral storytelling genius in the making! Next stop, The Moth?
You can view the full top five videos at Galley Cat.
And here’s a LOLcat, just for you.