With the US presidential election held next week, we thought we’d share five of the most amusing, clever or simply interesting celebrity endorsements for the two presidential candidates. (Not including Clint Eastwood’s Chair Moment.) Enjoy!
Joss Whedon: Zombie Apocalypse
The quick-witted Buffy creator and aficionado of all things sci-fi has come out with an endorsement for Obama that predicts a zombie-ruled apocalypse if Romney takes the reins. Stock up on canned goods, y'all!
It’s a very different world now, and Mitt Romney is a very different candidate — one with the vision and determination to cut through business-as-usual politics and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse.
Lena Dunham: Make Sure Your First Time is Special
Girls creator Lena Dunham aims at getting her fellow twentysomethings to vote (and while they’re there, vote Obama) with this quirky - and hugely controversial - recommendation that other girls follow her lead, and pop their voting cherry for Obama. Some conservative commentators have suggested that the ad ‘degrades the highest office in the country’.
Meat Loaf Serenades Romney
Meat Loaf has been an object of derision in Australia since his universally panned AFL Grand Final performance. Now, he’s taken the stage for an important national event in his home country. Watch him serenading Romney with America the Beautiful, in a performance described by Gawker as sounding ‘as if it were emanating from a dying cat that just had its tail stomped on’‘.
Chuck Norris: Obama equals 1,000 years of darkness
Action star Chuck Norris and his wife Gena have made a video urgently arguing for the election of Mitt Romney, and against the ‘socialism’ of President Obama. ‘Our great country and freedom are under attack,’ says Norris. Gena quotes former president Ronald Regan:
‘'You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into 1,000 years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.’
Samuel L. Jackson: Wake the F_ _ k Up for Obama
Samuel L. Jackson offers a new slant on his viral recording of the satirical storybook Go the F**k to Sleep with this video, Wake the F**k Up for Obama, imagining a new version of the book’s bedtime story, where a little girl galvanises her family to campaign for Obama’s re-election.