The Winner of Our Ubud Writers Fest Competition


Congratulations to Deb Sestak, winner of our July e-news subscription competition. Deb’s name was drawn from a pool of thousands who signed up to receive the Wheeler Weekly e-news last month (or who invited a friend to do so).

We were delighted to learn that Deb has attended a few Wheeler Centre events, and that she and her husband will be able to take some time off to fly to Bali in October to attend the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, flying Garuda Indonesia and staying in the Honeymoon Guesthouse of Casa Luna Bali. She tells us it will be her first return to Bali since she and her husband travelled there some 20 years ago. Our envy is tropical green.

Thanks to all those who signed up. And of course if you haven’t already subscribed, you can still do so here, and it’s free.