For the same sex couples, Julia Gillard has already disappointed according to gay and lesbian street newspaper, MCV.
Along with most other media outlets, MCV reported yesterday that “Prime Minister Julia Gillard has revealed it is her belief and Labor policy, that marriage is between a man and a woman”. Labor policy has held that marriage is strictly between a man and a woman though Gillard was at pains to say Rudd’s “government [had] taken steps to equalise treatment for gay couples”.
Sydney Star Observer reported yesterday that gay rights groups had “reacted with cautious optimism to Julia Gillard becoming Australia’s 27th prime minister.” The article quotes Australian Coalition for Equality’s Corey Irlam who had said “We understand that Ms Gillard has a history of quiet support for GLBT issues.” Clearly there is a difference between “quiet support” and the denial Gillard issued yesterday.
Got an opinion on gay marriage? Leave your comments at our Talking Point: Should gay marriage be legal in Australia?