It's Official: the New Vampires Found


According to satirical newspaper the Onion, minotaurs are officially the new vampires.

The article has a faux-publishing executive touting the ancient Greek monster as the next big thing in publishing. Fictional character Graham Childress, an executive at Razorbill Books, said “Everywhere I go, I hear people talking about minotaurs. Plus, labyrinths are really hot right now.”

The satire targets the publishing and film industries' anxiety that the Twillight-fuelled bubble might be about to burst as they urgently search for a new success formula. After werewolves failed to be the new vampires, E! Online were pinning their hopes on angels.

The most unlikely though is that Kevin Bacon will make elephants the new vampires in a Thai-based film currently in production. Perhaps the Onion’s assertion that we’ll soon be flooded with “novels featuring a bad-boy mummy, a bad-boy cyclops and a bad-boy Mayan vision serpent” may be a better alternative than a pachyderm fad.