Finding the Right Price in Amazon


If you’re thinking of making millions with your upcoming e-book, over at eBooknewsr they’ve got a preferred pricetag of US$1.99.

In their survey of new authors, eBooknewsr found that many found new audiences by pricing their books low. That was the plan for Boyd Morrison, who told eBooknewsr: “I chose the $1.99 price point because it seemed like it was cheap enough to get a reader to take a chance on an unknown author like me.”

Other authors started out with higher prices but became more realistic to get more buyers. Jeff Rivera, author of Forever My Lady, said “I asked them to lower the price because $1.99 is a non-intrusive way to introduce eBook readers to new books. They’re willing to take a risk on $1.99 whereas $9.99 is a major investment.”

Most new books in Amazon’s store cluster around the US$9.99 mark though many public domain books including The Scarlet Letter and Frankenstein are free.

At the other end of the scale, Amazon is pricey for specialised niche publications like Selected Nuclear Materials and Engineering Systems for a hefty US$6,433.20 (including wireless delivery). It’s a bargain in contrast to the hardcover edition which retails for US$8,038.99. Perhaps authors should switch to penning scientific manuals.