Craig Foster: The Republic Question

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Tuesday 28 March
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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Wheelchair accessible

Accessible toilets available

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The much-loved Fifth Estate series returns in 2023! On the last Tuesday of the month, join broadcaster Sally Warhaft and a range of guests from the world of politics, culture, journalism and international relations as they dissect pressing questions of policy, power and current affairs. With the coronation of King Charles III set to take place in May, Australia’s relationship with the Crown will be a defining topic in the year ahead. To kick off the Fifth Estate for 2023, Sally Warhaft is joined by Craig Foster, who has had a respected career as a Socceroos player and coach, sports broadcaster, and human rights activist, and was recently appointed as the new chair of the Australian Republic Movement. Together, they will discuss the future of the Australian Republic Movement and Australia's place in the Commonwealth.

The Fifth Estate

For in-depth insider analysis of current affairs, it doesn’t get any better than The Fifth Estate. This long-running series, hosted by Sally Warhaft, is a mainstay of the Wheeler Centre’s programme, and of public conversation in Melbourne.