Change of Tune: Digital Music and Fandom

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Thursday 30 April
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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This event has been cancelled as part of our preventative measures to stem the spread of coronavirus COVID-19. If you have tickets for this event, we’ll be in touch with you directly via email.

Find out more about our response to the coronavirus situation here.

It's an incredible time to be a music listener.

Digital platforms offer both an over-abundance of choice and easy access to artists. For most people, the perfect playlist is a few clicks (and – optionally! – a small monthly fee) away.

At the intersection of machine curation and personal preference, are we simply customising music listening to fit us perfectly – or flattering the safe choices of our taste? As streaming platforms and their algorithms grow in their influence of what reaches our ears, how do musicians form all-important connections with listeners? How can fans go beyond the music they already love … and how will these shifts in culture, technology and money influence the music industry of the future?

With a panel formed of music industry specialists whose job it is to navigate this new world and answer these questions on a daily basis, we’ll take a critical look at the way we consume music today – and the challenges and opportunities facing both artists and listeners.

Presented in partnership with the Victorian Music Development OfficeThe VMDO supports the Victorian contemporary music industry now and into the future. The VMDO is an initiative of Creative Victoria and is delivered by Music Victoria.