Questions for the Nation: Darwin

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Sunday 20 August
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM


Charles Darwin University Theatre, Casuarina campus

Charles Darwin University, Ellengowan Drive, Casuarina

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What are the most important questions facing Australians – today and in the future?

The Wheeler Centre is roaming Australia, collecting the nation’s most urgent questions and thrashing them out with some of the sharpest thinkers we know. We’re doing it in panel discussions at Brisbane Writers Festival, Perth’s Disrupted Festival of Ideas, Darwin Festival and National Young Writers Festival in Newcastle.

At these sessions, we'll scan the horizons, break deadlocked debates and dust off the issues rotting for too long at the bottom of the nation’s too-hard basket. What are the faultlines and tensions in Australian society, and where do we turn for fresh ideas for the future? Who do we want to be, and how are we going to get there?

In partnership with Darwin Festival, social researcher Rebecca Huntley hosts a discussion on the present and future of the nation. Join academic Curtis Roman, MP Ngaree Ah Kit and artists Cris Derksen, Ian Michael and Patricia Cornelius for their take on the most important question facing Australia today, before the microphone turns to you: what questions should Australia be asking?

Presented in partnership with Darwin Festival.