This Australian classic follows the lives of two Australian orphans, Caro and Grace Bell, who move to England in search of a better life. It’s a heartbreaking tale of unrequited passionate longing.
Michelle De Kretser will talk about her love for Shirley Hazzard’s masterpiece.
James Ley
James Ley holds a PhD in English literature from the University of Western Sydney. He has been a professional literary critic for fifteen years.
His work has appeared in many publications, including the Age, the Australian, the Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Book Review and the Times Literary Supplement. He is editor of the Sydney Review of Books.
Michelle de Kretser
Michelle de Kretser was born in Sri Lanka. She lives in Warrane/Sydney on unceded Gadigal land. An honorary associate of the English Department at the University of Sydney, she has won several awards for her fiction ...