"A Tax Won't Fix Climate Change"

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Thursday 15 September
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Melbourne Town Hall

90-120 Swanston Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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It’s a debate with a decidedly apocalyptic ring: stand by while the dynamics of life on earth change irrevocably, or try to take action that may slow or halt the process - and in so doing possibly compromise our way of life. It’s a debate that challenges fundamental assumptions about evidence, responsibility and governance. And it’s a debate coming soon to the Melbourne Town Hall.

Few issues of recent times have divided Australia as much as how we should respond to climate change. The Gillard government’s proposed carbon tax is the most controversial policy proposal in at least a decade. Proponents struggle to convince the public of the link between a new, broad-based tax and climate change mitigation, while opponents recite their mantra: “A tax won’t fix climate change”.

This September, the carbon tax debate comes home to roost. The next Intelligence Squared debate will tackle the scaremongering, dispel the fictions and, one can only hope, end the confusion. Come and hear panelists from both sides of the divide: politicians, scientists, academics and stakeholders make their case and plead their cause.