Melbourne Recital Centre

The Box Office is located on the ground floor of the Melbourne Recital Centre.

It is open Monday through Friday 9am - 5pm, in person, and phone contact.

On weekends, evenings and public holidays it is also open 2 hours prior to performances in person only, not via phone.


03 9699 3333

Getting here

Cnr Southbank Boulevard & Sturt Street, Southbank, Victoria Australia.

Patrons can choose from a variety of conveniently located car parks when attending events at Melbourne Recital Centre. A new parking station is being built immediately behind the Melbourne Recital Centre (enter from Sturt Street), complementing other facilities already established in the Southbank Arts Precinct, including:

·The Arts Centre Car Park (enter from Sturt Street) - 150 metres north along Sturt Street ·The Australian Ballet Centre Car Park (enter from Kavanagh Street) - 150 metres north along Sturt Street, then left into Kavanagh Street. ·plus a number of smaller car parks along Sturt Street.

Disabled Access parking and parking for motorcycles are available at all major car parks in the vicinity, including the Arts Centre Car Park and the Australian Ballet Centre Car Park.

Melbourne Recital Centre patrons are eligible for a $2 discount on parking at the Australian Ballet Centre Carpark when they show their concert tickets to the Gate Attendant. Parking is subject to availability and patrons are encouraged to arrive early on busy nights.

31 Sturt Street Southbank Victoria 3006