Trevor Dance

Trevor Dance


Trevor Dance has been a resident of Sunbury for the past 23 years living next to Emu Bottom Homestead. He has been a Green Wedge activist since the late 1990s.

Trevor holds a Bachelor of Applied Science (Chemistry) degree, has been a board member of the Foodway Supermarket Group and has worked in finance and operations roles in retail and other sectors. His involvement has extended to community groups including The Sunbury Progress Association, The Sunbury Conservation Society, The Sunbury Community Reference Group Western Water, The Sunbury Police Community Consultative Committee, The Sunbury Residents Association, Green Wedge Coalition and Kismet Primary School. He is married with two young children.

Why is Victoria moving at great speeds to destroy our environment through poor planning decisions? I wonder why greed is getting in the way of common sense and as a consequence, our environment is suffering. Have we not learnt anything from the mistakes that have been made all over the world, I ask myself every day?