Peter McBain

Peter McBain


Peter McBain is the managing director of Brierty –a leader in Aboriginal engagement, which strives to achieve positive and sustainable outcomes in the employment of Aboriginal people and the engagement of Aboriginal-owned businesses as both suppliers and partners.

Brierty has committed to the Australian Employment Covenant and is a registered employer of the Outcare Second Chance program. Brierty’s leadership in this area has most recently been recognised by the WA Indigenous Development Award by the Civil Contractors Federation WA, and the 2014 Indigenous Employment Award.

Peter McBain commenced with Brierty in March 2011, and was appointed Managing Director in November 2011. He has 20 years experience and knowledge in the civil infrastructure construction and mining sectors from both a contractor’s and client’s perspective. Peter has been involved in projects at all levels in Western Australia, the Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland and Victoria.