Nick McGowan

Nick McGowan


Nick McGowan is a member of Liberal Party and a humanitarian. He ran in the 2013 federal election, achieving a 9% swing away from the incumbent and drawing 8.02% toward the Liberal Party in the area of Jagajaga. He lives in Eltham with his wife Allison and their three children.

At the age of 12, Nick cleaned toilets and mopped floors at the local youth centre after school. It gave him pocket money and independence.

His early family life had a profound influence on him. Nick’s mother raised him and his brother single-handily. Making ends meet was a constant theme for much of his childhood, as his mum turned her hand to work in a warehouse, at community-based childcare, and clerical duties to raise her boys.

As renters, they moved frequently. He learned early how to embrace change, promote common-ground, and influence positive outcomes. His mum’s devotion to her boys and her resilience provided a perfect role model.

Nick’s determination to find solutions to daily challenges extended well beyond the front door. He was elected to represent his peers on school council, and ran for local government aged 18.

The opportunity to be part of positive change inspired Nick to get involved in broader community activism.

In 1991 he joined the Liberal Party.

Nick’s core beliefs are liberal ones. He believes in equality, freedom of thought, worship and choice, in families fostering respect, and in democracy that champions individual responsibility and reward for effort.

Today Nick is passionate about making a difference.