Eddie Cubillo

Eddie Cubillo


Eddie Cubillo is an Aboriginal man with strong family links throughout the Northern Territory. His mother is of Larrakia/Wadjigan descent, and his father is Central Arrente. Eddie’s family has experienced the intergenerational effects of the policy of forced removal of children of mixed descent from their family and country.

In 2001 he obtained a Bachelor of Laws Degree and in 2002 he was admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory. In 2009 Eddie completed a Masters of Laws (International Law and International Relations) at Flinders University.

Eddie has over 20 years’ experience working at the grass roots of Aboriginal affairs. Eddie started his career working as a solicitor with the Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, and went on to work as a solicitor for the Northern Territory Government. Eddie has also served as Chairperson of both the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA) and the Aboriginal Justice Advisory Committee (NT).

In 2010 Eddie was appointed the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner of the Northern Territory, and following his term he took on the role of Executive Officer with NATSILS in October 2012. As the Executive Officer he championed the rights of Indigenous Australians in a legal context. In 2015 Eddie was announced as the National Indigenous Legal Professional of the Year.