As part of our Hot Desk Fellowship programme, Ruby Hillsmith worked on Little Islands, Dead Sea, a multi-genre project exploring emotion, memory and psychiatry. This excerpt, Three Approaches to Mem*ry, interrogates the foibles/fables/fractures/failures inherent to her own practice of memory.
three approaches to mem*ry
i feel the hot/shock of the silver hook
and nurse it for a little while
before i even check—(which bastard’s
reeling in the fishing line?)
and that’s just the curse of mem*ry:
sometimes it turns the gut
before the throat
before the eye
(that one delinquent pupil always seems to trail behind)
and now i want to give up history,
the pit of broken glass
i drag my fingers through
(and then revise, each
tiny prick a patient under mem*ry’s super/vision)
to get a job on neighbours: chief amnesiac,
a girl and her huge plot hole.