'The Age' Announces Nominees for its Book of the Year


The Age has announced the shortlists for its Book of the Year prizes. The prizes will be awarded to books in three categories with $10,000 each (fiction, non-fiction and poetry) with an overall prize to be chosen from among the three, worth an additional $10,000.

The shortlists are:


Like Being a Wife, Catherine Harris (Vintage)

The Mary Smokes Boys, Patrick Holland (Transit Lounge)

Indelible Ink, Fiona McGregfor (Scribe)

Bright and Distant Shores, Dominic Smith (Allen & Unwin)

Bereft, Chris Womersely (Scribe)


Sydney, Delia Falconer (New South)

A Three-Cornered Life: The Historian W. K. Hancock, Jim Davidson (UNSW Press)

When It Rains, Maggie MacKellar (Vintage)

When Horse Became Saw, Anthony Macris (Viking)

The Many Worlds of R.H. Mathews: In Search of an Australian Anthropologist, Martin Thomas (Allen & Unwin)


Sly Mongose, Ken Bolton (Puncher &Wattmann)

Supermodernprayerbook, Susan Bradley Smith (Salt)

This Floating World, Libby Hart (5 Islands Press)

Porch Music, Cameron Lowe (Whitmore Press)

Starlight: 150 Poems, John Tranter (University of Queensland Press)

The winners will be announced at the opening event of the Melbourne Writers Festival, which will also feature a keynote address by US novelist Jonathan Franzen.