Derryn Hinch is among the Australian media’s most controversial and unpredictable characters. He’s the former editor of the Sun and the former New York bureau chief for Fairfax. He’s been sacked from high-rating shows on Channel Seven and 3AW and he’s received on-air death threats from gangsters. He’s written 14 books, been jailed twice, married five times, toured with The Rocky Horror Picture Show and undergone liver transplant surgery.
As a veteran broadcaster, journalist and activist, Derryn Hinch has been dubbed ‘the human headline’ – as often the subject, as the reporter, of news. Over the years, he’s embraced the moniker, using his notoriety to crusade for causes he cares about, especially criminal justice reform.
Now a Victorian Senator with his own political party, Hinch continues to work towards tougher penalties for convicted criminals. His new book, Hinch Vs Canberra, describes his late-in-life foray into federal politics. With Sally Warhaft, Hinch will discuss crime, contempt and life in Canberra.
Paperback will be our bookseller at this event.
Sally Warhaft
Sally Warhaft is a Melbourne broadcaster, anthropologist and writer. She is the host of The Fifth Estate, the Wheeler Centre’s live series focusing on journalism, politics, media, and international relations, and The Leap Year ...
Derryn Hinch
The former newspaper editor hosted the current affairs program HINCH on the 7 and 10 networks, Midday on 9 and had award-winning stints on 3AW. In 2016 he launched Derryn Hinch’s Justice Party and was elected as a federal senator for Victoria.
Hinch has been jailed twice, fined, and spent five months under house arrest for his campaigns against suppression orders for sex offenders. In 2011, he received a liver transplant after being diagnosed with terminal cancer and given twelve months to live.
He hosted HINCH Live on SKY News until his political career took off. He now writes for Crikey and appears on Sunrise, PMLive and 3AW.
He lives in Melbourne.