Elections Across Europe

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Tuesday 06 June
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


The Wheeler Centre

176 Little Lonsdale Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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In 2017, Europe is in a period of heightened uncertainty: the rise of populist politics, the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, the prospect of a weakened European Union and an increasingly assertive Russia on its doorstep.

French voters recently rejected both major parties to elect an unknown quantity in Emmanuel Macron, who has never before held elected office. The UK’s new Prime Minister Theresa May has made a virtue of being an ‘unclubbable’ Conservative, and she’s riding high in the lead-up to the June election on a manifesto of 'country and community'. What will happen when Germany goes to the polls in September? Angela Merkel's popularity has been waning since 2015, but 21st-century Europe has become hard to imagine without her steady, predictable presence.

Gone are the days of politics as usual. To discuss the state of play in the UK and Europe, Fifth Estate host Sally Warhaft is joined by Mary Gearin and Georgina Downer.