Romantic love is the subject of squillions of songs, sonnets and stories. Is there a single new thing to say about it? If Shakespeare was growing weary of the cliches back in the 1600s (‘My mistress’s eyes are nothing like the sun’), where does that leave writers striving to write fresh romance in the 21st century?
These are good questions to ask Australia’s star romantic-comedy writer Toni Jordan. Starting with her 2008 debut novel, Addition, and following up with Fall Girl and Nine Days,Jordan has built a reputation for romantic comedies that are smart, sexy, surprising and hilarious. Her fourth novel, Our Tiny, Useless Hearts, is an uproarious farce set in the outer suburbs of Melbourne.
With an acerbic wit and an eagle eye for the absurd, Jordan’s brand of comic writing incorporates incisive social commentary. Join her for a conversation about screwball humour and the enduring popularity of romantic comedy.
Hosted by Hilary Harper.

Toni Jordan

Hilary Harper
Hilary Harper has a degree in English Literature and Cultural Studies, a Graduate Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing, and 30 years’ experience in radio. She’s been at the ABC since 2005. She has ...