The politics of climate change has been one of the most difficult and divisive issues of our times. Debates about how – or indeed whether – Australia should act to mitigate climate change have resulted in numerous policies, promises, backflips and casualties.
Why has it proved so difficult to produce a climate change policy that can be implemented and maintained? What really went on behind the scenes in the Rudd and Gillard governments as they tried to legislate a cost on carbon? And what were the obstacles in Australia’s carbon-intensive economy?
Philip Chubb
Philip Chubb is head of Journalism at Monash University. In 2014, Philip published his third book, Power Failure, which is an evaluation of the successes and failures of climate change policy-making in the governments of Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard, 2007 – 13.
He was the creator of the renowned documentary Labor in Power, which told the inside story of the Hawke and Keating governments and won a Gold Walkley Award and a Logie.
He has worked as National Editor of The 7.30 Report and held senior editorial positions at the Age and Time Australia.
Sally Warhaft
Sally Warhaft is a Melbourne broadcaster, anthropologist and writer. She is the host of The Fifth Estate, the Wheeler Centre’s live series focusing on journalism, politics, media, and international relations, and The Leap Year ...