Despite the importance of early education for children, the work of care workers and educators is plagued by long hours, job insecurity and low wages.
Twenty-four-year-old children’s educator Marian Rakosi is a spokesperson for the national Big Steps campaign, whose aim is to transform the early childhood education and care profession into what it should be – an industry that is stable, respected, and well paid.
Marian is part of the changing face of trade unions in Australia, now dominated by women in the health, education and childcare sectors. Today she talks about the new dynamic surrounding unions, and argues for the importance of organising for mutual benefit to win professional wages and build a quality early childhood and care system in Australia.
Marian Rakosi
Marian Rakosi is a young, passionate early childhood educator and proud unionist from Sydney.
She is an activist in the Big Steps Campaign for quality reforms in the early childhood education and care sector. Why? Because early education shapes our nation. Oh, and she lives on twitter @MarianRakosi.