Dirty secrets

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Monday 26 May
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM


Athenaeum Theatre

188 Collins Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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The Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO) was established in 1949, ostensibly to protect the country from spies, saboteurs and subversives within society who were deemed a danger to the nation’s security. Over the next few decades, records were collected on a number of writers and prominent public figures.

In a juicy twist to this story of secrets and surveillance, many of those files are now freely accessible, providing fascinating, worrying (and in some cases highly entertaining) reading for those profiled. We’ll gather several of these persons of interest in one room, as Anne Summers, Gary Foley, Meredith Burgmann and Michael Kirby take to the stage with their newly released ASIO files open and ready to share.

Activists, agitators and troublemakers all, our guests reveal their dirty secrets, gleaned in the days before social media, blogs and even videotape had been invented. This peek behind the curtain of Australian surveillance is sure to lend insight into what was considered subversive, who was watching whom, and whether any of it was true (or worthwhile) at all.