Our first ever event was a Debut Monday. Three years on, it’s still going strong, introducing new Australian talent each month.
Whether it’s meeting Australia’s latest wunderkind or hearing an unknown quantity strike a bold new path, Debut Mondays is your chance to discover your next favourite author.
You’ll meet a selection of new voices – from Victoria and beyond – each month, including a special guest in each session from Voiceworks magazine.
Pop down to The Moat, our resident cafe and bar, to grab a drink or a meal – and be nourished and entertained by the pick of our latest storytelling crop.
If you plan on making a night out of it, The MOAT offers a pre-event package from 5pm to 6pm: $20 for a meal and a glass of wine, or $15 for a pizza and a glass of wine or beer. Bookings essential; call (03) 9094 7820 or email info@themoat.com.au.
This month, we’ll hear from Melissa Keil, Michelle Dicinoski, Kathryn Ledson and Johannes Jakob.

Melissa Keil
Melissa Keil is a writer and children's book editor. She is the author of three YA novels: Life in Outer Space, The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl and The Secret Science of Magic. Her short story, Sundays, is featured in Begin, End, Begin, the #LoveOzYA anthology ...

Michelle Dicinoski
Michelle Dicinoski’s Ghost Wife: A Memoir of Love and Defiance describes her journey from Australia to Canada to marry her American partner, Heather. Along the way, she reflects on marriage, belonging, and secret histories.
Michelle writes poetry and creative non-fiction, and her work has appeared in anthologies, journals, and newspapers including Best Australian Poems, Meanjin, Cordite, ALR, Cultural Studies Review, and the Australian. She completed a PhD in creative writing at the University of Queensland in 2010.
Michelle is a Marten Bequest Travelling Scholarship recipient in the category of poetry for 2012-2013, and the scholarship has funded travel to London, Budapest, Prague, and Finland to take up residencies and promote her first book, the poetry collection Electricity for Beginners. After many years in Brisbane, she recently moved to Melbourne.

Kathryn Ledson
Kathryn Ledson spent about 25 years in the corporate arena, mostly as a senior personal assistant, and mostly in Melbourne. In 2006, she abandoned her corporate life and returned to school, completing a Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing. Since then, she’s operated as a freelance editor, concentrating her energies mostly on fiction projects with some corporate work thrown in.
Last year, Kathryn was invited to contribute to a non-fiction book project, Working with Mean Girls by Meredith Fuller, published by Penguin in early 2012.
Her absolute, maniacal passion however has been her popular fiction novel, Rough Diamond, which was published by Penguin in January 2013. She is currently writing its sequel, Emerald Island.

Johannes Jakob
Johannes Jakob is the editor of The Victorian Writer and fiction editor at The Lifted Brow. He co-hosts the podcast JOMAD I Heard You Like Books?.
His short stories and non-fiction have appeared in Voiceworks, The Lifted Brow, The Emerging Writer and elsewhere.