In our ecologically-threatened world, birds have a vitally important place in the human psyche. At a more intimate level their wondrous nests – exquisite, painstakingly-constructed creations that are decorated, or woven through with feathers, or embellished with objects of a particular colour or sheen – are natural art forms in themselves.
Are humans the only animals who can be artists? Join amateur naturalist, nature lover, art historian and author Janine Burke as she speaks passionately about the art and mystery found in nature.

Janine Burke
Janine Burke is an art historian, biographer, novelist and freelance curator.
Janine Burke is an art historian, biographer, award-winning novelist and curator. She has written a series of biographies on the Heide Circle including Joy Hester (1983), Australian Gothic: A Life of Albert Tucker (2002) and The Heart Garden: Sunday Reed and Heide (2004). She also edited Dear Sun: The Letters of Sunday Reed and Joy Hester (1995). Her most recent book is Nest: The Art of Birds (2012). Janine is the author of eight novels and winner of the 1986 Victorian Premier's Award for fiction. In 2014, she curated Freud and Eros: Love, Lust and Longing for the Freud Museum London.