As the philosopher Pat Benatar said, Love is a Battlefield. As if it wasn’t hard enough finding the right person and making it all work, society’s failure to recognise all relationships as equal has been a long-standing source of grief and difficulty for many. In this very special Love and Lust edition of the Lunchbox/Soapbox, we make the case for throwing the chapel doors wide open and making a broad church of marriage.
Rodney Croome
Rodney Croome is an advocate for gay human rights and author of Why vs Why: Gay Marriage.
Rodney Croome fronted the high-profile campaign to decriminalise homosexuality in Tasmania in the 1990s and has been involved in a wide range of other issues from combatting homophobia in schools to campaigning for gay blood donation.
His work has been recognised by a number of awards including a Centenary Medal and an Order of Australia. In recent years Rodney has been a strong advocate for marriage equality. A book he co-authored on the issue was published in May this year.