For Thought: Hope for the Planet

Event and Ticketing Details

Dates & Times

Monday 07 March
5:15 PM - 7:45 PM


Melbourne Town Hall

90-120 Swanston Street Melbourne Victoria 3000

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‘We have to recall the image of the planet from outer space,’ David Suzuki has said. ‘A single entity in which air, water and continents are interconnected. That is our home.’

In 1800 there were one billion people on the planet. Now there are seven billion. It’s difficult to overstate the pace and extent of change that has occurred in the recent history of our planet, thanks to population growth, industry and technology. These changes have placed our natural environment under sudden and unprecedented forms of stress; the earth is getting hotter.

Since pioneering climate scientist James Hansen first testified about climate change before the US Congress in 1988, scientists have been warning us about the potential damage to our environment caused by global warming.

Suzuki has been talking about climate change and action since the 1980s. The eminent environmentalist, author and activist believes we need to radically alter the way we see ourselves in relation to the natural world – adjusting our stance from one of hubris to humility.

Other warnings have come thick and fast. Ten years ago, scientist, author and activist Tim Flannery outlined the how and why of climate change in The Weather Makers and warned us of its dangers.

In 2010, Harvard Professor and author Naomi Oreskes helped us understand why action on climate change has been so slow. She highlighted a successful, concerted campaign to blunt the scientific warnings in her book, Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming.

But political inertia, crushing statistics and depressing forecasts are not the only story. There is hope for the future, and there are solutions that may work. Join three leading international voices in science as they each share their individual perspective on hope for the planet, followed by a panel discussion of people, planet and optimism.

For Thought™ series presented by the University of Melbourne and the Wheeler Centre under licence from Sydney Opera House.

David Suzuki and Naomi Oreskes are presented by arrangement with WOMADelaide’s Planet Talks Program.